Grow a Tree

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Sow a Seed Today

In a tropical climate like Malaysia, it takes a good 30 years for one tree to grow. As inhabitants of this land, we’re responsible for the conservation of its trees. If you wish to do something about it, help us plant a tree. You can sponsor one or more that will be planted on your behalf at Kechara Forest Retreat. By contributing to the greening of this peaceful 35-acre forest haven, you’re not only helping the environment, but you’re also making an offering to the deities as the whole environment is dedicated to the growth of Buddhadharma.

Almost all of us can play a role in caring for the environment. The need to balance the eco-system for our next generation is crucial in this age of rampant deforestation and lies in our hands. After all, it only takes a little effort to plant a tree that will grow to give us, and the surrounding wildlife, ample shade, clean air and cool spaces.

Are you rooting for more trees?