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Tenshug Long Life Ceremony

October 8, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm SMT
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Join us on Sunday, 8th October 2023 for a ceremonial long life Tenshug offering to request our lineage lamas to live long and continue their enlightened activities for the benefit of all beings.

This highly auspicious ceremony is dedicated:

  • For H.E. Tsem Rinpoche’s new incarnation to have long life and manifest great Dharma activities just like in his previous lives.
  • For the long life of H.E. Kensur Rinpoche Lobsang Phende.
  • For the long life of H.E. the 7th Panglung Oracle (Ven. Choji-la).
  • For the long life and good health of all members, supporters and attendees.


Event Details

  • Oct 8, 2023 (Sun)
  • 10.00 am – 1.00 pm
  • Kechara Forest Retreat
  • Free. RSVP here as seating is limited.


A Disciple’s Responsibility

During this degenerate age, lamas of Kensur Rinpoche and Choji-la’s generation, traditionally trained and pure in practice, are far and few in between. Their knowledge and attainments are a precious healing resource sorely needed in a world full of anger, pain and suffering.

Lamas of such high calibre have full control over their birth and passing. They manifest solely for the benefit of sentient beings. When the karmic causes for that benefit begin to wane, they can choose to enter clear light and take rebirth in a younger, newer form in order to continue their work under more suitable conditions.

Thus as practitioners and supporters of the lineage, it is our responsibility to keep creating the causes for these rare beings to remain with us. One such method is by offering a Tenshug Long Life Ceremony.


A Powerful Offering

During a tenshug, students make fervent requests to the lama to remain longer with us. In order for a tenshug to be effective, the lama to whom it is being offered must formally accept the tenshug ritual. Once the lama accepts the tenshug, he will extend his life in order to continue turning the wheel of Dharma.

This particular offering was requested by Tsem Ladrang, on behalf of all members of Kechara and all disciples and followers of H.E. Tsem Rinpoche. We are fortunate that Kensur Rinpoche and Choji-la have humbly accepted our offering of a Tenshug Long Life Ceremony.

This auspicious ritual will be performed by representatives from the main monasteries of our lineage, including Shar Gaden, Serpom, Phegyeling and Segyu, and they will be joined by qualified lamas and geshes from around the world.


Benefits for sponsors and attendees

  • Extends lifespan
  • Averts life-threatening obstacles
  • Increases the efficacy of medicines and medical treatment
  • Strengthens the connection to the guru + lineage lamas
  • Creates causes for the lama to remain
  • Creates causes for Dharma to grow
  • Continuous stream of merits as a result of the lama’s on-going activities


How to join

Admission to the puja is free and everyone is welcome. To ensure we have enough seating for all guests, please RSVP your attendance here.

If you are attending, you can actively participate in the ceremony by making a personal tenshug offering to H.E. Tsem Chocktrul Rinpoche, H.E. Kensur Rinpoche and Ven. Choji-la.

Here are some suggestions of what you can offer based on tradition:

  • Body, speech, mind representations of healing, long life or increase e.g. images, statues, pendants, scriptures, books or stupas relating to Amitayus, White Tara, Namgyalma, Medicine Buddha, Shize, Gyenze, etc.
  • Body, speech, mind representations based on the lama’s personal practices e.g. images, statues, pendants, scriptures, books or stupas relating to Lama Tsongkhapa, Vajrayogini, Manjushri, Dorje Shugden, and many other deities.
  • Auspicious items e.g. the Eight Auspicious Signs, the Seven Royal Emblems, the Eight Auspicious Substances, mandalas and other auspicious symbols of abundance and growth such as butter, rice, tea, fruits, flowers, jewels, precious stones, etc.
  • Symbolic representations of Dharma activities e.g. thrones, seats, throne brocades, carpets, robes, ceremonial hats, ritual implements, offering vessels, offering items, etc.
  • Direct contributions towards Kensur Rinpoche and Choji-la’s health e.g. medical care, medicines, supplements, healthy foods/beverages, medical equipment and so on. It is important that these offerings are suitable for their health condition. For this reason, it is recommended to donate towards items pre-approved by their medical care team.
  • Offerings of practice and transformation e.g. taking vows, committing to a retreat, going vegetarian, saving lives, making a promise to abandon negative habits for a period of time, etc.


What to bring

  • Khatas
  • Minimum: 3x for Tsem Rinpoche, Kensur Rinpoche and Choji-la, or more for other high lamas.

  • Kuyong
  • Minimum: 3x for Tsem Rinpoche, Kensur Rinpoche and Choji-la, or 21x for all Sangha.

  • Personal tenshug offering
    • Optional but recommended.
    • You will have the opportunity to present your personal offering to Kensur Rinpoche and Choji-la as part of the tenshug puja.
    • This can be a physical item based on the suggestions provided, or a donation towards Kensur Rinpoche and Choji-la’s medical and healthcare needs.
    • If you wish to make a donation, bring it with you and offer it during the ceremony. Please write how you wish your donation to be used so we can allocate it correctly.
    • Physical offerings should be presented with a khata OR beautifully decorated to the best of your ability.
    • If you are not able to attend in person, we can present your offerings on your behalf. Please contact us at wa.me/60103020999 for details.

You can also contribute towards the costs of the tenshug ceremony via the Tsem Rinpoche Parinirvana Anniversary Fund at VajraSecrets.com or WhatsApp us at wa.me/60103020999. Any amount is welcome and deeply appreciated.

Together, let’s create the oceans of merits needed so we can continue our direct connection with these holy beings.

Date: October 8, 2023
Time: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Address: Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia

+ Google Map
Phone: 09-221 5600