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Kechara Forest Retreat

Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
09-221 5600

July 2024

Advanced Buddhist Ritual Workshop

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
July 27 @ 9:30 am - 6:00 pm SMT

Learn advanced mudras to enhance your meditational practice. This fun, hands-on workshop will give you the confidence to incorporate these techniques into your daily prayers for greater meaning and depth.

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August 2024

Dorje Shugden Wishfulfilling Puja

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
August 2 @ 8:00 pm - 10:30 pm SMT

A powerful wish-fulfilling puja that attracts wealth and good luck, protects from harm and negative beings, supports spiritual growth, and creates positive conditions for a fulfilling and happy life.

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HEAL with Candle Making

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
August 3 @ 9:30 am - 2:00 pm SMT

Immerse yourself in the art and process of creative candle making — so you can create unique gifts for friends + offerings for the Buddhas. You can light them at our holy sites too!

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Inner Reflection Retreat

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
August 9 @ 7:30 am - August 11 @ 8:00 pm SMT

An empowering intermediate-level meditation programme that reconnects you to the core of your being and helps you achieve visible and sustainable progress in your spiritual development.

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Ullambana 2024

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
August 18 @ 10:00 am - 5:30 pm SMT

Remove obstacles + dedicate merits during the 7th Month Ullambana Festival, with two powerful Tibetan Buddhist pujas and auspicious Ullambana offerings.

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Prayer Flag Puja for Dorje Shugden Day

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
August 24 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm SMT

Celebrate Dorje Shugden Day with offerings of prayer flags, fragrant smoke, and golden drinks for healing, protection and positivity.

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Cittamani Tara Puja

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
August 30 @ 10:30 am - 12:30 pm SMT

Come under the protection, love and care of the Compassionate Mother of all Buddhas in her highest yoga tantric form.

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Samayavajra Purification Puja

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
August 30 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm SMT

Mend guru samaya and purify negative karma arising from broken commitments with an afternoon of purification and spiritual renewal.

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Vajrayogini Jangwa Puja for the Deceased

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
August 31 @ 10:00 am - 5:00 pm SMT

Purify the negative karma of your dearly departed and help them achieve a good rebirth.

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September 2024

Vajrayogini Ruchok Purification Puja

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
September 1 @ 10:00 am - 12:30 pm SMT

A unique Tibetan Buddhist ritual to bless and transform the hair of the living and ashes of the deceased into Vajrayogini's body.

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Tsem Rinpoche’s Parinirvana Anniversary

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
September 4 @ 10:00 am - 5:00 pm SMT

Commemorate Rinpoche's parinirvana day and honour his extraordinary life & enlightened deeds with a special all-day prayer service in Kechara Forest Retreat.

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1,000 Offering Namgyalma Long Life Puja

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
September 5 @ 10:00 am - 12:30 pm SMT

Join us for a grand long life puja and auspicious offerings to Buddha Namgyalma for healing, longevity and purification.

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Dorje Shugden Ruel Recharge Puja

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
September 6 @ 10:00 am - 12:30 pm SMT

Renew the potent protection of your ruels and chakras with this energising ritual that calls upon Yamantaka, Kalarupa, Dorje Shugden and Setrap.

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Dorje Shugden Wishfulfilling Puja

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
September 6 @ 8:00 pm - 10:30 pm SMT

A powerful wish-fulfilling puja that attracts wealth and good luck, protects from harm and negative beings, supports spiritual growth, and creates positive conditions for a fulfilling and happy life.

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Trakze Wrathful Fire Puja

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
September 7 @ 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm SMT

A traditional fire puja based on Dorje Shugden’s wrathful form to overcome huge obstacles, banish black magic and spirit harm, and purify heavy negative karma.

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Pets Day Out: Medicine Buddha Puja for Pets

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
September 8 @ 9:00 am - 11:00 am SMT

A pet-friendly healing puja dedicated to your beloved furkids for their good health, long life, and swift recovery from illness.

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Chanting the Names of Manjushri

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
September 8 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm SMT

A collective chanting session of the Manjushri Namasamgiti Sutra to create the causes for wisdom, insight, clarity of mind and higher realisations.

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Golden Light Sutra Recitation

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
September 10 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm SMT

A recitation of the Sutra of Golden Light to increase peace, harmony, healing and success.

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Dukkar Obstacle Eliminating Torma Ritual

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
September 13 @ 10:00 am - 5:00 pm SMT

Overcome all obstacles, exorcise spirits, and remove curses and spells with this complex torma offering ritual to the ferocious Goddess Dukkar.

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Special Naga Puja

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
September 14 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm SMT

A powerful combination of four naga pujas to increase health, wealth, fame, merits, resources, peace, prosperity and spiritual growth.

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Amitayus Long Life Sutra Recitation

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
September 14 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm SMT

Remove health obstacles and extend life karma through the recitation of Buddha Amitayus’ Long Life Sutra.

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Yamantaka Water Purification and Protection Blessing

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
September 15 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm SMT

A water purification ritual + protection blessing to cleanse negative energy, purify body karma, and heal physical ailments such as paralysis, strokes and skin disorders.

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Three Deities Obstacle Averting Puja

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
September 15 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm SMT

Pacify obstacles and reverse the inauspiciousness of illness, poverty, spirit harm and curses with the triple blessings of Dukkar, Sengdongma and the Heart Sutra.

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Sixteen Arhats Puja

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
September 16 @ 10:00 am - 12:30 pm SMT

Auspicious prayers to Buddha Shakyamuni and the 16 Arhats to generate merits for the growth of the spiritual guide’s teachings and legacy.

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Gyenze Increase Fire Puja

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
September 16 @ 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm SMT

A traditional fire puja based on Dorje Shugden’s increase form to grow finances, attract resources, and ultimately, increase merits for spiritual wealth.

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1,000 Offering Kalarupa Puja

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
September 17 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm SMT

Join us for a Kalarupa puja to overcome the most difficult challenges + dispel tremendous obstacles in business, life and spirituality.

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Grand Yangdup Wealth Ceremony

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
September 19 @ 10:00 am - September 21 @ 5:00 pm SMT

A grand wealth summoning puja to receive the blessings of the wealth deities for yourself, your family and for the success of all your endeavours.

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Yamantaka Self Initiation

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
September 22 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm SMT

Receive the wisdom blessings of wrathful Manjushri in a self-initiation ceremony based on the practice of the Highest Tantric Buddha Solitary Hero Yamantaka.

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Rabney Consecration Ceremony

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
September 22 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm SMT

Receive the divine blessings of all the Gurus, Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Protectors in this consecration ritual based on the Solitary Hero Yamantaka practice.

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48-Hour Dorje Shugden Practice Retreat

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
September 27 @ 7:00 pm - September 29 @ 7:00 pm SMT

Immerse in the Dharma protector’s blessings with a 48-Hour Dorje Shugden Practice Retreat to clear obstacles, purify negative karma, gather resources and fulfil wishes.

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October 2024

Dorje Shugden Wishfulfilling Puja

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
October 4 @ 8:00 pm - 10:30 pm SMT

A powerful wish-fulfilling puja that attracts wealth and good luck, protects from harm and negative beings, supports spiritual growth, and creates positive conditions for a fulfilling and happy life.

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HEAL with Love for Animals

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
October 5 @ 9:30 am - 2:00 pm SMT

Show your love for the feathered friends in our aviary with hand-made toys. Then try your hand out at making traditional dishes from the Tibetan plateau — vegetarian style.

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KFR Healing Pilgrimage

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
October 19 @ 7:00 am - 10:00 am SMT

Improve health, recover from illness and extend lifespan as you embark on a guided healing pilgrimage led by our Buddhist sangha and pastors.

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Inner Peace Retreat

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
October 19 @ 8:30 am - October 20 @ 6:00 pm SMT

A 2D1N meditation programme packed with insights into how to live well by reducing stress levels through meditative practices. Quiet your mind and gain clarity through contemplation exercises guided by experienced facilitators in tranquil surroundings.

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Tsem Rinpoche Mantra Retreat

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
October 25 @ 6:45 am - October 27 @ 2:00 pm SMT

A guided 3D2N retreat based on the guru yoga and name mantra of His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche for a blessed and fulfilled spiritual journey.

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November 2024

Dorje Shugden Wishfulfilling Puja

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
November 1 @ 8:00 pm - 10:30 pm SMT

A powerful wish-fulfilling puja that attracts wealth and good luck, protects from harm and negative beings, supports spiritual growth, and creates positive conditions for a fulfilling and happy life.

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HEAL with Crystal Energy

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
November 2 @ 9:30 am - 2:00 pm SMT

Discover the energetic properties of crystals and how they can affect mood and wellbeing. Then learn how to cleanse and enhance crystal energy through the power of faith and mantra.

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Death & Dying: A Meditation Workshop

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
November 9 @ 9:00 am - November 10 @ 4:30 pm SMT

A two-day guided meditation workshop to help you make the most of your life. Learn the Buddhist forms of death meditation and try experiential exercises designed to transform your perspective of life and death.

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December 2024

Dorje Shugden Wishfulfilling Puja

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
December 6 @ 8:00 pm - 10:30 pm SMT

A powerful wish-fulfilling puja that attracts wealth and good luck, protects from harm and negative beings, supports spiritual growth, and creates positive conditions for a fulfilling and happy life.

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HEAL with Aura Reading

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
December 7 @ 9:30 am - 2:00 pm SMT

Understand your personality, strengths and weaknesses with a personal aura reading. Then learn how to uplift your mood and improve your vibe with spiritual meditations and practices.

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Pets Day Out

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
December 8 @ 8:30 am - 12:00 pm SMT

Take your furkid on a guided pet pilgrimage, get a special pet blessing from our pastors, go off-leash & picnic in our nature campsite, splash around in the swimming pool, or just relax & bond with the fur-mily in our 35-acre grounds.

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Inner Reflection Retreat

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
December 20 @ 7:30 am - December 22 @ 8:00 pm SMT

An empowering intermediate-level meditation programme that reconnects you to the core of your being and helps you achieve visible and sustainable progress in your spiritual development.

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Tsongkhapa Retreat

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
December 27 @ 6:45 am - December 29 @ 2:00 pm SMT

A guided 3D2N mantra retreat based on the Guru Yoga of Lama Tsongkhapa and the recitation of his sacred Migtsema mantra for tremendous wisdom, blessings & purification of negativities.

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March 2025

Practice Weekend: Prostration

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
March 22, 2025 @ 9:30 am - March 23, 2025 @ 5:30 pm SMT

Join the 2023 - 2025 Practice Weekend Programme to complete the Prostration Preliminary (100,000x) within two years!

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June 2025

Practice Weekend: Prostration

Kechara Forest Retreat, Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia
June 28, 2025 @ 9:30 am - June 29, 2025 @ 5:30 pm SMT

Join the 2023 - 2025 Practice Weekend Programme to complete the Prostration Preliminary (100,000x) within two years!

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