Chenrezig Ngensong Kundrol is a special form of the Bodhisattva of Compassion who has emanated specifically to help us avoid a negative rebirth for one lifetime. His name means ‘Avalokiteshvara (Guanyin) who Liberates from the Three Lower Realms.’
“If we have strong guru devotion and we do his OM MANI PEME HUM mantra every day, then whatever negativities we have committed, even if we are supposed to take a negative rebirth, we will not fall into the three lower realms. It is impossible for us to go to the three lower realms.
So for one lifetime, we are delayed to go to someplace negative, and we are blessed to take rebirth in another good situation in our next life, in order that we can practise Dharma and purify our karma, giving ourselves another chance, delaying in going to the three lower realms for one lifetime.
And that is like if you are supposed to go to jail, you don’t go to jail. You are given another chance to do good works, in order to avoid going to jail. So that is very very powerful.”
– Tsem Rinpoche –
(Our founder His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche first received this special practice from his root guru, His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche.)
On July 21, 2024 (Sun), the Chenrezig Ngensong Kundrol permission initiation (jenang) will be compassionately bestowed by His Eminence the 7th Panglung Oracle. This is the first time this initiation will be given in Kechara Forest Retreat.
Event Details
We request a nominal fee at the time of registration to avoid previous experiences where people booked a seat but did not attend. Seating in our temple is limited and those empty seats could have been allocated to someone else on the waiting list.
We consciously adhere to the Buddhist principle that profits should not be made from teachings and initiations. Registered participants will receive initiation materials & offerings of equivalent value.
Primary Benefit
Under ordinary circumstances, if we commit extremely negative actions, this will lead us to take rebirth in the three lower realms in our next life. This is due to the law of karma. The main benefit of Chenrezig Ngensong Kundrol is that he stops us from taking a lower rebirth for one lifetime, no matter how many negative actions we have done in the past.
We are saved from suffering in the lower realms in our next life. And by delaying going to the three lower realms for one lifetime, we are blessed with the opportunity to once again practise the Dharma, purify more negative karma and generate more merit.
By doing so, we can progress even further on our spiritual path, and continue taking good rebirth after good rebirth in good situations, where we can practise even more Dharma and eventually attain full enlightenment.
Additional benefits
The initiation of Chenrezig Ngensong Kundrol also includes the deities Green Tara and Ekajati.
Rinpoche advised that when we engage in this practice, if we have special wishes we want to accomplish, we can invoke upon Tara more. If we have fierce obstacles or difficulties, or need protection, we can invoke upon Ekajati more.

Who is this initiation for?
In general, Chenrezig Ngesung Kundrol is suitable for people who:
What are the commitments?
This initiation has no special commitments or vows. You can attend the initiation as a blessing or with the intention to engage in the practice.
To receive the full benefit of the initiation and achieve a guaranteed good rebirth in your next life, you should do the practice every day. If you do not do the practice daily, you still receive the blessings but not the full benefits.
What are the benefits? To delay going to the three lower realms for one lifetime and to take rebirth in another good situation in your next life so you have another chance to practise Dharma, purify karma and collect merit.
How to receive the full benefits?
To gain the special benefits of Chenrezig Ngensong Kundrol and achieve a guaranteed good rebirth in our next life, we should engage in his practice every day.
Advice for serious practitioners
Tsem Rinpoche advised that practitioners who have the great fortune to receive the Chenrezig Ngensong Kundrol initiation should:
If we do this, we can gain the highest attainments via the special practice of Chenrezig Ngensong Kundrol.

What is an initiation?
In Tibetan Buddhism, tantric initiations awaken our innate potential for Buddhahood by empowering us to engage in the practice of a specific Buddha-deity. It also creates a strong spiritual bond (samaya) between the recipient and the initiating master, as well as the Buddha-deity involved.
Active participation in an initiation with a fully-qualified teacher bestows permission to engage in the daily sadhana. During the initiation, a special seed of enlightenment is planted within our mindstream. This seed will grow stronger and stronger when we engage in the daily sadhana and keep our commitments, until we eventually achieve attainments and ultimately enlightenment.
The initiating lama
His Eminence the 7th Panglung Kuten Thubten Phelgye Jigme Namgyal, also known as Ven. Choji-la, is the renowned oracle of Sera Monastery who takes trance of Dorje Shugden, Kache Marpo, Setrap, Shiptak Gyene and other Dharma protectors.
Ven. Choji-la has studied under many gurus including H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, H.H. Kyabje Ling Rinpoche and H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche. He is a pure monk who has kept his vows and commitments very well. H.E. Tsem Rinpoche regarded him highly, and requested him to give oral transmissions and engage in numerous pujas for Kechara in the past.
Most recently on September 9, 2023, Ven. Choji-la gave the initiation of Trakpo Sumtril in Kechara Forest Retreat.

Who can attend?
The initiation is open to non-muslim guests aged thirteen (13) and above. Prior tantric initiations or empowerments are not necessary. All participants must register in advance.
How to prepare
Anyone who wishes to attend the initiation, whether as a blessing or as a practice, must follow these guidelines:
What to prepare
How to register
The initiation is open to registered participants only. Kechara Forest Retreat will be closed to walk-in visitors on the day.
How to sponsor
Sponsorship of any amount towards the initiation ceremony is very welcome and deeply appreciated. You can contribute:
Scan this DuitNow QR code to donate instantly via e-Wallet or any participating mobile banking app.
You can donate via bank transfer using the payment details below.
We accept donations by cash, credit card or e-Wallet over the counter at Kechara Forest Retreat and Kechara House
If you’re donating by DuitNow QR or bank transfer, please email or WhatsApp us your transaction slip for an official receipt.
Important Notes
Supplementary Information
The full name of this practice is Chenrezig Ngensong Kundrol Tsokhor Sum. ‘Tso’ refers to the main meditational deity, Chenrezig. ‘Khor’ refers to his entourage, the deities Green Tara and Ekajati. ‘Sum’ means all three.
“This Chenrezig has one face, two arms, sitting in a posture of ease, with one hand at the back holding himself up, and one hand in the front holding a mala gently over his knee. He has two assistants, one is the black powerful obstacle-destroyer Goddess Ekajati, and the other one is the Buddha or Goddess of Great Activities Green Tara.”
– Tsem Rinpoche –