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Rabney Chenmo Consecration Ceremony

September 15, 2023 @ 6:00 am - September 17, 2023 @ 6:00 pm SMT
  • This event has passed.

Join us for a 3-day Rabney Chenmo ceremony to consecrate the newly arrived 7-foot statue of His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche, and to renew the blessings of all spiritual monuments in the Tsem Rinpoche Relic Temple and Kechara Forest Retreat.

Rabney Chenmo means great consecration puja. It is an elaborate ceremony involving numerous sensory offerings, torma ritual cakes, multiple fire pujas, traditional mirror, and various other implements.

Based on the Solitary Hero Yamantaka practice, this complex ritual forges a powerful connection with the wisdom energies of Tsem Rinpoche, the lineage lamas, Buddhas, bodhisattvas, arhats, Dharma Protectors, dakas and dakinis through the power of mantra, concentration, visualisation and offerings.

Upon completion of the consecration ceremony, the blessings of these enlightened beings are sealed — in not just the Statue and Stupas, but also in the immediate surroundings so that all who pass by receive tremendous blessings and purification.


Event Details

  • Sep 15 – 17, 2023 (Fri – Sun)
  • Kechara Forest Retreat
  • Free. RSVP here as seating is limited.



  • 6.00 am Session 1
  • 9.30 am Break
  • 10.00 am Session 2
  • 12.00 pm Lunch
  • 3.00 pm Session 3
  • 5.00 pm End
  • 6.00 am Session 1
  • 9.00 am Break
  • 10.00 am Session 2
  • 12.00 pm Lunch
  • 1.00 pm Session 3
  • 2.00 pm Fire puja
  • 5.00 pm Session 4
  • 7.00 pm End
  • 6.00 am Session 1
  • 9.30 am Break
  • 10.00 am Session 2
  • 12.00 pm Lunch
  • 3.00 pm Fire puja
  • 6.00 pm End

The puja will be conducted by visiting Sangha from Shar Gaden, Serpom, Phelgyeling and Segyu monasteries, and led by His Eminence Kensur Rinpoche Jetsun Lobsang Phende and other high lamas and esteemed geshes.

We hope you will join us for this special ceremony, and make offerings, prostrations, and circumambulations at Rinpoche’s Statue and Stupa — one of the holiest pilgrimage sites in Kechara Forest Retreat.

The first Rabney Chenmo ceremony at the Tsem Rinpoche Relic Temple in September 2022.


Benefits for sponsors and attendees

  • Purifies tremendous negative karma
  • Purifies obscurations especially in relations to broken spiritual commitments (samaya)
  • Increases wisdom
  • Increases merits
  • Improves the connection and affinity with one’s lama and the Dharma in general
  • Improves inner stability, mental clarity and awareness
  • Renews physical and inner peace
  • Re-balances emotions


How to join

Admission to the puja is free and everyone is welcome.

To ensure we have enough seating for all guests, please RSVP your attendance here.


How to contribute

We seek your kind sponsorship to cover the costs of this and other pujas held in conjunction with Tsem Rinpoche’s 4th Parinirvana Anniversary.

  • Ordinary sponsor: RM30
  • Special sponsor: RM150
  • Bronze sponsor: RM300
  • Silver sponsor: RM750
  • Gold sponsor: RM1,500
  • Diamond sponsor: RM3,000
  • Grand sponsor: RM5,000

Most pujas will be performed in Kechara Forest Retreat from late August to mid-October 2023. Your donation will help us with the cost of:

  • Puja offerings
  • Ritual substances
  • Food and travel for visiting Sangha
  • Temple upkeep and overheads

Donate online to the Tsem Rinpoche Parinirvana Anniversary Fund at VajraSecrets.com or WhatsApp us at wa.me/60103020999. Any amount is welcome and deeply appreciated.

If you are attending in person, you can offer kuyong (a token monetary offering) to the Sangha who will be conducting the puja.
Rabney Chenmo is a complex ritual based on the 13-deity Yamantaka practice.


Creating Tsem Rinpoche’s statue

After H.E. Tsem Rinpoche entered parinirvana on September 4, 2019, we were advised to create a smiling image of our lama in traditional style and iconography.

The project began in early 2020 but had to be paused due to global lockdowns. After 3 years of patiently waiting for travel bans to lift, the team was finally able to work closely with a master sculptor to put the finishing touches on Rinpoche’s 7ft statue. We’re extremely fortunate that the artist has a special connection with Rinpoche, and it comes through in his work.

A tribute to Rinpoche’s great compassion, our lama’s statue arrived in Kechara Forest Retreat on July 26, 2023. Ahead of the consecration ceremony, it will be filled with many small Buddha images made from Rinpoche’s holy relics and many other sacred items.

H.E. Tsem Rinpoche’s 7ft statue arrived in Kechara Forest Retreat on July 26, 2023.
Start: September 15, 2023 @ 6:00 am
End: September 17, 2023 @ 6:00 pm
Address: Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang
Bentong, Pahang 28700 Malaysia

+ Google Map
Phone: 09-221 5600